j’ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse durant laquelle je présenterai mes travaux sur la « Combustion des arènes et des aromatiques oxygénés comme composés de biocarburants dérivés de la lignine : mesures de vitesses de flamme et développement d’un modèle cinétique détaillé ».
Cette présentation se tiendra Vendredi 13 Décembre en amphithéatre A à l’ENSIC et débutera à 9h.
I have the pleasure to invite you to my PhD defense during which I will present my research on the “Combustion of arenes and oxygenated aromatics as lignin derived biofuels : measurements of laminar burning velocities and development of a detailed kinetic model”. You can find an abstract of my manuscript as attached file.
This presentation will take place on Friday, December 13 in Amphitheatre A at ENSIC and will start at 9:00 am. For people who are not able to attend the defense in person, here is a visio link to see the defense.
——————————Nicolas Delort – PhD student – LRGP – CNRSNancy, France

Chemical transformation of enzymatic hydrolysis lignin (EHL) with catalytic solvolysis to fuel commodities under mild conditions
EHLCATHOL, Number: EU-101006744

To contribute to the EU’s carbon neutral goal in 2050
Our target is to develop a novel technology that fully takes the advantage and utilizes the energy of the waste-EHL, transforms it to high quality liquid fuels applicable, e.g., in hybrid cars, heavy-duty transport vehicles, ships and jet airplanes, thus, doubling the energy efficiency of the 2G bioethanol production chain and contributing to achieve the targeted carbon neutral EU by 2050.
EHLCATHOL action aims at:
To completely transform via direct catalytic solvolysis, viz. using a fuel compatible solvent as one of the reactant to fully depolymerize, of a large volume Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignin (EHL) waste of the 2G bioethanol production from lignocellulose biomass, to produce high performance fuel blends, i.e. high heating value jet-fuel, high octane gasoline and high cetane number diesel.